What Causes Constipation in Children

Child Constipation
Constipation is a very common problem among children. A child is considered constipated when she defecates less than three times per week and when the stool comes out hard, dry, and large. Constipation is usually less of a concern because it can be prevented with a healthy diet and physical activity of children.

Causes of Constipation

Most of the constipation caused by poor diet of water and fiber. Water and fiber works to help bowel movement. Children who frequently eat fast food such as burgers, fries, milkshakes, candy, cookies, sweetened soft drinks are usually more frequent constipation. In infants, constipation may occur due to the transition from breast milk to baby formula, or from baby food to solid food. Keep in mind that some children resist going to the bathroom because they do not want to leave their fun play, using the toilet away from home or having to ask permission to go to the adult toilet. If this continues it will be more hardened stool and constipation occurs.

Stress can also cause constipation. Children can experience constipation when they are anxious about something, like starting at a new school or a problem at home.

Research has shown that emotional disorders can affect bowel function, causing constipation and diarrhea in children.Some kids can be constipated because of a condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome / IBS ) that can occur when they are stressed or eating foods trigger IBS as fatty or spicy foods. A child with IBS constipation or diarrhea and can be accompanied by abdominal pain or a lot of gas.

In rare cases, constipation is a sign of other medical illnesses. It is characterized by constipation that occurs continuously or lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Symptoms of Constipation

Keep in mind that different children have different bathing habits. A child who does not defecate every day is not always constipated. One child may defecate three times a day, while others may defecate every 3 days. Usually when a child is constipated, he will defecate less than usual. Children may complain of a feeling of fullness or bloating in the stomach, or pain during defecation and bleeding.

Preventive measures and treatments of constipation in Children:

    Give children more fluids. Drinking enough water and other fluids to help the stool move more easily through the intestines. The amount of fluid that each child required will vary according to weight and age. But most school-age children require 3 to 4 glasses of water every morning. If the baby is constipated during the transition from breast milk to solid foods or milk, try to give a few ounces of papaya every day. If constipation persists consult a doctor immediately.

    Consumption of high fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole wheat bread can help prevent constipation. Fiber can not be digested so it helps clean the intestines by moving the intestines out. Fatty foods, sugary, or flour can trigger constipation. Sources of fiber recommended for children are apples, oatmeal, oranges, bananas, baked potatoes, and popcorn.

    Make sure children get enough exercise. Physical activity can help intestinal peristalsis to move, so I suggest you to encourage your child to perform simple activities such as running, riding a bike, or obstacle course.

    Organize regular feeding schedule. Because food is a natural stimulant to the stomach, eating regularly can help children develop the habit of regular bowel movements. If needed, you can try to schedule breakfast a little early to give children the opportunity to defecate in the bathroom before going to school.

    Practice toilet training, to teach children to defecate regularly. Suggest the child to go to the toilet for at least 10 minutes at the same time every day, especially after eating.
In most cases of constipation, small changes can help the stomach feel better and prevent the re-emergence of constipation in children.

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